When should I see an Exercise Physiologist!?

You can see an Exercise Physiologist any time in your health journey! Whether you’re a beginner wanting to learn how to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle, or you have a chronic injury that you’ve been managing for a prolonged period. An Accredited Exercise Physiologist will be able to assist you at each health point.

How long do standard consultations go for?

Standard consultations go for 1 hour. It is important that there is substantial time in each session to ensure each consultation is comprehensive.

What is the difference between an Exercise Physiologist and a Personal Trainer?

An Exercise Physiologist is a university qualified allied health professional. On average it takes an Exercise Physiologist 3-4 years of tertiary education to attain their qualification. The average period to become a Personal Trainer can vary from 12 weeks to 9 months, and can be completed online or face to face depending on the course. Exercise Physiologist’s are able to engage with all different individuals with varying health conditions. Whilst Personal Trainers generally assist the general/healthy population.

What is the difference between an Exercise Physiologist and a Physio/Chiro?

The primary difference between an Exercise Physiologist and a Physiotherapist/Chiropractor is we don’t engage with manual therapy. Manual therapy is any treatment that is hands on that either mobilise or manipulate joints and muscles. The focus of an Exercise Physiologist is to provide a comprehensive exercise program and guide our patient’s to independent management!

Do I need a referral?

No, but for specific schemes a referral can be made from your treating doctor. You can receive a referral under Medicare for the Chronic Disease Management Plan by your GP. Or If you have a work or motor vehicle injury, your NTD (Nominated Treating Doctor) or NTS (Nominated Treating Specialist) can also refer directly to Myogenesis Health and Rehabilitation.

Do you do Hydrotherapy?

Yes! We find a local pool close to your residence and complete our sessions there.

Are there any rebates for Exercise Physiology services?

Yes! Some Private Health Funds and Medicare provide rebates for Exercise Physiology services.

What do I need to bring to my consultation?

Any relevant scans, reports or referral letters!

Where do we do our exercise sessions?

Sessions can be completed at your residence, park or at a local gym facility. Please note that there may be a fee for the use of a gym/facility depending on the location chosen.

I have some other questions!

If you have any further questions feel free to email us on admin@myogenesis.com.au or DM our social media platforms!